hey, what the fuck happened to the band idea dude, and where did i get all this money?.. {What friggin' money..??}
{EDITOR'S NOTE: The words above are not mine, but Chandler's. Chandler Stewart: ex L.A. real estate agent-Nicholas Cage lookalike-long-term Clown and Bard dwelling-lady's-man-player-and general good-guy-par-excellance.}
We have had this crazy band thing going for a good month now and are making slow but steady progress, you could say. Our aim is, putting it quite simply, to ROCK the very foundations of this city - rock it to its very core and take no prisoners along the way.
It has already begun in semi-earnest...Step one - We play the downstairs bar of the Clown in the next fortnight or so - once we have finalised our set list and who sings and plays what. (There are roughly 150 songs in our set that we have been working on - mainly covers. We will perform probably the forty best in one set). We already have the go-ahead from Robert, the hostel manager, so that is good. In his words, he will work out a financial - (Dr. Evil voice and inverted comma gesture) - 'model' by which we can both benefit. With our operatic Mariah Carey-esque vocals, natural charisma and nice haircuts, we can pack 'em in from miles around to get down to our big sound. I'd really settle for full bar access, really. However, "show me the frikkin' money!"
[Mental note: advertise for Dave-Grohl style drummer and John Deacon style bassist.] {Another mental note: 'Grohl' is tricky to spell..}
Also in other related non-stop rocking news, the one and only Supergrass will be coming to Prague in April. Guess where they will be playing?
Literally just down the road at our local skodie club o'doom - yep, the dirty old Akropolis! 'Niteclub/bar/theater' and last refuge before dawn for hostel wastrels and hangers-on. Fancy that indeed. Fallen on hard times eh, Supergrass??! Or are you just slumming it Eurotrash style? Any way you look at it, it should be a right corker mates! Ben, fear not - I will give a full report - (may even try and open for them with a couple of Czec folkdance songs..I think I could even be mistaken for the fifth member of the Grass, as I do somewhat resemble the band on the In it For the Money album cover at the mo'. )
Righto, must go down to the subway tunnel now to hunt and kill my one meal of the day.
Though I might just grab a bite out of one of the street beggars...they don't seem to mind that much.
...Speakining of food finally, rumours persist that 'dum-dum-dum-da.....' a SUBWAY may just be opening its first place of worship in Prague in the next few months!Oh my dear sweet God; oh my GOT IN HIMMELL, YA, YA!!!!!!!!! Please, say this is true...
hey, what the fuck happened to the band idea dude, and where did i get all this money?.. {What friggin' money..??}
{EDITOR'S NOTE: The words above are not mine, but Chandler's. Chandler Stewart: ex L.A. real estate agent-Nicholas Cage lookalike-long-term Clown and Bard dwelling-lady's-man-player-and general good-guy-par-excellance.}
We have had this crazy band thing going for a good month now and are making slow but steady progress, you could say. Our aim is, putting it quite simply, to ROCK the very foundations of this city - rock it to its very core and take no prisoners along the way.
It has already begun in semi-earnest...Step one - We play the downstairs bar of the Clown in the next fortnight or so - once we have finalised our set list and who sings and plays what. (There are roughly 150 songs in our set that we have been working on - mainly covers. We will perform probably the forty best in one set). We already have the go-ahead from Robert, the hostel manager, so that is good. In his words, he will work out a financial - (Dr. Evil voice and inverted comma gesture) - 'model' by which we can both benefit. With our operatic Mariah Carey-esque vocals, natural charisma and nice haircuts, we can pack 'em in from miles around to get down to our big sound. I'd really settle for full bar access, really. However, "show me the frikkin' money!"
[Mental note: advertise for Dave-Grohl style drummer and John Deacon style bassist.] {Another mental note: 'Grohl' is tricky to spell..}
Also in other related non-stop rocking news, the one and only Supergrass will be coming to Prague in April. Guess where they will be playing?
Literally just down the road at our local skodie club o'doom - yep, the dirty old Akropolis! 'Niteclub/bar/theater' and last refuge before dawn for hostel wastrels and hangers-on. Fancy that indeed. Fallen on hard times eh, Supergrass??! Or are you just slumming it Eurotrash style? Any way you look at it, it should be a right corker mates! Ben, fear not - I will give a full report - (may even try and open for them with a couple of Czec folkdance songs..I think I could even be mistaken for the fifth member of the Grass, as I do somewhat resemble the band on the In it For the Money album cover at the mo'. )
Righto, must go down to the subway tunnel now to hunt and kill my one meal of the day.
Though I might just grab a bite out of one of the street beggars...they don't seem to mind that much.
...Speakining of food finally, rumours persist that 'dum-dum-dum-da.....' a SUBWAY may just be opening its first place of worship in Prague in the next few months!Oh my dear sweet God; oh my GOT IN HIMMELL, YA, YA!!!!!!!!! Please, say this is true...