...James and I are sitting in the cafe next door minding our own business, me for one, nursing a squibbly(tm) tummy from the night before. A woman walks over to us and asks if we wouldn't both mind accompanying her to a hen's night at a bar down the road. It seems that it was her 'dare', or some sort of nonsense, to get a couple of dead-sexy lads to come and join in the party. In the abscence of any, we accepted dutifully. Besides, she had promised us a free drink. Sweet.
We arrived at Joe's Bar a few minutes later, and were greeted with hearty applause as we entered the door. We introduced ourselves to the festive female throng and were ourselves introduced to the buxom bride-to-be. "Congratulations," I said. We made our way to the bar where I ordered a double whisky. Not sure what James had - it may have been a triple..
Then a rather large gentleman got up on the bar and started 'singing' Happy Birthday to one of the party-goers - maybe it was the bride - it was confusing. After this display, a girl asked us if we would like to sing at all. "Sure, no problems," we replied. "Even better, we can go and fetch our guitars and play a few songs for everyone!"
"Oooh, yes please!" she enthused.
So, seeing a good opportunity for some live Simon and Garfunkel-ly gigging styles, we zipped out and came back with our trusty instruments at the ready.
Unfortunately, Joe (of Joe's Bar fame), only then decided to tell everyone that it was illegal for him to allow any live musical entertainment to take place on the premises. Pre-recorded music only. This, suffice-it-to-say, did not go down well with the punters. There was much calamitous booing and hissing. And we were certainly not going to mime.
Artistic credibility.
However, we did the next best thing. We went outside to the footpath, approximately six feet away from the boundary of the premises, began to seranade the drunken passers-by for the next two hours, as well as several of the wedding contingent. It was rather damp and cold, but right worth it. I even got a request from a whole bunch of people for the theme song to
Rainbow. Wang. Everybody now come on!: 'Up above the streets and houses, rainbow climbing high, everyone can see it smiling, over the sky....paint the whole world with a rainbow!'...('da-da-da-da-da-de-da-de-da-da....') Okay, that's enough.